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If you're reading this, you're probably cussing me out and wondering where the hell the story is.


The short version is, I still have it. It's intact. And I am going to finish it. Privately.


I was writing AMEN for the wrong reasons. It started off right; me saying "goodbye" to a character I've written for nearly 16 years. Saying farewell to a friend, a brother, a piece of myself.

But somewhere along the line I got lost in attention-land. I started writing it for other people, and got obsessed with feedback, reactions, and attention. AMEN was never supposed to be about any of those. It was supposed to be about closure for me, about writing Xedanis / Kai without boxing him in to a mould. So I've done something drastic, and taken the story off line. If you enjoyed it, thank you for reading it.


I don't know if I'll share the finished article. Maybe, maybe not. But don't hold your breath. 


Thanks again, and farewell. 


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